[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=briansd1][quote=Allan from Fallbrook] Being the consummate politician, however, he did not.
The key here is that Clinton did not invade Iraq. Therein lies the qualitative difference.
I never said that there is no proportional responsiblity. But I maintain that Democrats are preferable to Republicans.
[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]
Both sides suck equally and ALL politicians are lying shitbags. You’ll find that if you work from that premise, history becomes easily understood.[/quote]
I don’t buy your argument that both sides suck equally.
Obviously you know a lot about history and you draw on your knowledge to make your points.
My beef is that “they are all the same” implies that you’re an impartial arbiter of history when you obviously are not. While you may not fully support the Republicans, you clearly prefer them.
You have obvious desdain for the left. And you often spring into action whenever there are criticisms of the right, not to defend the right, but to argue that “they are the same.”
Clearly they are not the same.
A person who dines using fine porcelain is not the same as one who barbeques in the backyard using paper plates. The act of eating is not even the same. It’s debatable who is better; pero no son iguales, son diferentes.[/quote]
Brian: History is completely impartial; History doesn’t give a shit one way or the other. But History does matter, as Santayana said about not learning from history and being doomed to repeat it.
You’re quite right about my disdain for Leftists: I revile them. I respect true Liberals, however, and there is no more beautiful word in the English language. The difference? Leftists hew to autocracy and autarky and seek to control every aspect of a person’s life and they do so with idiotic policies, Political Correctness and seeking to insert government in all areas possible.
You made a remark containing the words “that’s not what America is about.” Well, Leftism is not what America is about, either. Anyone or anything that seeks to constrain my liberty is completely unwelcome and should be eliminated from the body politic.
And, yes, Brian, ALL politicians are lying shitbags, that’s why they’re politicians. And politicians live to get re-elected and will do anything to get re-elected, which means selling out to whomever will bankroll their campaign.
If you think Obama is above the fray, Google “Gigi Gaston” and “We Will Not Be Silenced.” Very interesting stuff and FYI, Gaston is a lifelong Democrat and her grandfather was Governor of Massachusetts.[/quote]
Exactly right, Allan.
A Liberal (but not Brian’s kind of “liberal”)