[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Shadowfax: As I read the Rolling Stone piece, I couldn’t help but think how much an independent, investigative media would help expose shit like this.
Its not just enforcement agencies that have been gutted. Pick nearly any major metro paper of your choosing and look at how lean their staffing is. When’s the last time you read a really good piece of muckracking journalism (outside of Taibbi and the Rolling Stone)? Chances are its been a while. We know to the minute what Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardashian are up to, but don’t have a fucking clue when it comes to meaningful reporting. Its sad and a major part of the reason that we, as a country, are where we are.[/quote]
Yes, the failure of our free press is another depressing topic. I think in general Americans are lazy and complacent and as long as they receive a steady dose of entertainment, they don’t really give a shit whether the walls tumble down around them–but they will complain all day about how bad they have it.
And all the while Fox Spews emits such garbage under the color of “information” and so many people swallow that poison like it’s the truth, what else can we expect of our electorate?