[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=StaunchLibertarian][quote=jpinpb]
This is major and the public has a right to see this captured scum dead or alive. I don’t think people’s skepticism about this makes them nut jobs. I find all of this just too suspicious and can’t help but question it. I’ve talked about this w/about 5 people so far. Four of them are skeptical about it. Three actually don’t believe it. And they were a mix of Dems and Reps so not just one party’s opinion.[/quote]
If Bin Laden is alive don’t you think that he will show himself soon enough?
They got him. Obama did in just a little over two years what the neocons couldn’t do in 6 years.
I think Obama handled it perfectly. He didn’t bomb the house when he first found out about it because he wanted proof of Osama’s death. As soon as he got proof of Osama’s death, he buried the evidence at sea. If Bush had bumbled his way into finding and killing Osama, he probably would have had his head cut off and displayed it on national TV — thus spawning thousands of new terrorists.
On a related note, it doesn’t surprise me that the neocons are already trying to take credit for Obama’s skillful execution of the fight against terrorists.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt”.
The prelim intel on this operation dates back to 2002/2003 and the intel development on the courier, which led directly to Osama, was started in 2007, during the Bush Administration.
Kudos to Obama for using Team 6/TFR on this op and not using a drone, and also props for an excellent speech, but the background on this op was underway long before he ever hit the Oval Office.
Do your homework next time, it’ll save you some humiliation.[/quote]
Hell… You don’t have to do the research… The news media have been talking about how this has been a decade long intel op.
But I do give Obama props for acting decsively for once…
Lastly, I am temporariy working in Vegas. I met woman I work with and her husband is stationed at Nellis. He works with the predator program. Knowing this I jokelying asked if he had a long weekend… She smirked at me and said yes he worked alllll weekend.
I assume the drones were on station the whole time.