[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]
Ah, the sweet smell of “reductio ad Hitlerum”. Nothing like resurrecting Herr Schicklgruber to draw a truly odious comparison. Godwin’s Law writ large.
Of course, if we all read “Mother Jones” and the “Utne Reader” regularly, wore sensible shoes (Birkenstocks) and ate a healthy diet comprised of fruits, nuts and flakes, well, everything would be just groovy.
If we’re going for required reading that’s actual useful, how’s about Upton Sinclair’s 1935 classic, “It Can’t Happen Here”? Or, Arthur Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon”?
The fact is, the lunatics on the Right are matched by the lunatics on the Left. Both radicalized elements are terrified of the truth (“A Million Dead At Chernobyl!!!”) and will use whatever cheap rhetorical devices are at hand to attempt to discredit their foes. Facts, however, are not so much in evidence.
The Hitler Jugend? Really? Why not Komsomol? Or, if you want a really nefarious bunch, how about the friggin’ Boy Scouts of America? That oughta really get your Lefty blood boiling![/quote]
All you gotta do is repackage the “It Can’t Happen Here – Its happening!” by replacing names with President Obama, Frank, Geithner, etc and put Beck’s name as updated author and you have guaranteed best-seller with 7 figure advance.
This may be my faux pas for mentionion it, but did you reveal your sympathies with proletariat class with Upton Sinclair/ Sinclair Lewis Freudian slip? So melancholy, can’t we get an Updike reference once?