[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Dan: I like it. Not sure the Mother Church would appreciate your jesting, but I do.
I’d go for more of the Country Dick and the Beat Farmers kinda thing.
Has anyone noticed that it seems like Johnny Cash’s “When the Man Comes Around” is getting a lot of airplay on various TV shows? It’s like the song du jour or something.
Nazis aren’t right wing. They’re socialists. Deal with it.[/quote]
Re Johnny:
You’re talking about the season finale of the Sarah Connor Chronicles as well as Generation Kill.
How much of the same shit do we watch?
Re Nazis:
I stand by what I said. While I believe (as I suspect you do) that the political spectrum is best mapped in a circle, most basic poli sci courses teach it as linear with Facism and National Socialism to the right. I am saying I agree with you but that the model used in this thread is not as nuanced. I think that is a reasonable assertion.
Re some shit you never brought up:
If you like that song and are raised in the order of Jesus, get your hands on “The Origin of Satan” by Pagels. Seriously. Its a trace of Satan as a character going back to the Judaic and even pre Judaic Babylonian roots. Very good read.