[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]
If the Dems exist as the “party of the people” and are there to curb the worst excesses of the Republicans (and I don’t disagree with this, either, by the way) and the Dems control both Congress and the presidency, why aren’t the Dems going full bore after substantive and enforceable regulation?
As a progressive/Dem… I have to say I’m very disappointed in the Dems. I expect bad behavior from the GOP. When Obama appointed Geithner and named Summers as his go to guy I knew it was more of the same under a different political label.
I’ve come to the conclusion that only politicians who are at odds with their parties will introduce decent stuff… Blanche Lincoln most recently on financial reform – but Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich don’t have problems thumbing their noses at politics as usual. Maybe we need more dis-enfranchised, alienated, elected officials. Ones that are willing to challenge convention because they’re already on the outs with the insiders.