Russ: There’s a great term I learned in Analytical Psych back in college, Elite Deviance. This was used an explanation for the wealthy, politicians, professional athletes and others in similar circumstances, who felt that they could flout the law, social conventions, etc with impunity and all based on either their success, money or station in life.
I doubt very much that Tiger is feeling “conflicted”. He’s very sure what he wants and his marriage and family are nothing more than window dressing; part of the “Tiger Woods brand”, if you will. Undoubtedly, some corporate consultant explained the benefits of wife and family, especially as they contribute to the good, wholesome image Tiger projects and how this would help in acquiring all those lucrative endorsement deals.[/quote]
I hear what you are saying Allan. Could be. I tend to think we are more alike than different from these people. That is, unless they are secretly sociopaths or deeply under the influence of them for so long that they are lost. To his credit,even Dave said he would not lie about having fun on the side.
I tend to think that with all this golf and publicity since he was a kid, Tiger never had a chance to learn like the rest of us because he was steered completely clear of any girl that might cause him grief. I promise you, the females he is finding on his own, would give him a bunch of grief if he tried to have a “serious” relationship with them. He is an immature,hapless goof ball when it comes to the opposite sex, due in part to his other successes.It’s not that he doesn’t want something different than his bimbo fetish, he couldn’t pull it off if he tried. This issue with success causing more harm than good with women/relationships, is not uncommon even in more common men. If a guy really should spend some time unraveling a few things from his past and charges head on into salvation through “success”, like a good boy instead or in Tigers case a Sports Hero, even worse. Of course I am imagining all this with respect to Tiger,but it is possible maybe even probably true. There could be some overlap with your theory.