[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Partypup: Well, not to sound like a complete saber rattling nationalist, but if this scenario looks likely to come to fruition, I say we fall back on the one area of uncontested American supremacy: Our military.
How, exactly, is China planning on getting their 60% of imported oil back home from the Mideast? They have no “blue water” navy to speak of and I can just imagine how thrilled US Navy sub commanders would be lighting up China’s merchant fleet.
Don’t think it will come to that? I think the TPTB have already game planned this scenario out and wouldn’t hesitate for a second. You push the US far enough, we’ll do anything. Think Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
We could literally choke the world in terms of closing off all avenues of transport, whether sea lanes, air corridors, or roads.[/quote]
As long as we have people like Obama in the White House then China will take what they want.