[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=briansd1][quote=SK in CV]
Maybe you’re being a bit too defensive. And exagerating the facts to support that defensiveness.
Nobody was arrested on suspicion of burglary. It was for disturbing the peace, before the charges were dropped. They were dropped because, as a practical matter, it is not illegal to disturb the peace inside your own home. He was arrested for being an uppity black man to a cop. Obama hasn’t taken a local matter into his own hands, there is no remaining local matter, the case was dropped. He didn’t call the Boston PD stupid. (The Boston PD wasn’t even involved.)
If Obama’s very sparse words on the subject, leaves you feeling that you are being beaten to submission, can you imagine how virtually every black man, every man and woman of color feel every day in this country? The poor white man. Always the victim. Of course you want to drop the conversation about race. It’s not comfortable.[/quote]
I agree. Obama was just commenting on a friend.
To me it’s question a of civil liberties.
1) How would you like it if any of your neighbors could call the police who then barge into your house demanding ID and proof that it’s your house?
What is the probable cause other than the innocent 911 call.
2) What if you rent the house? Would you have to produce the rental agreement too? Of course, you should have it by the front door in case the police shows up demanding proof of residence!
3) What if you weren’t home and had given the keys to your elderly in-laws who had trouble opening the door. They would be arrested for lack of proof of residence.
Allan in Fallbrook, I’m very surprised that as a gun owner and conservative you would support such sweeping police power. Not aware that the police were coming, I think that you might have shot he intruder trespassing onto your property.
Allan, I also believe that if someone trespassed onto your property, you would be verbally stern, if not abusive. You would demand ID first.[/quote]
Brian: No disagreement from me on either of your points. However, I don’t keep loaded guns in the house (I have kids), so that point is probably moot.
You’re absolutely right about my being stern, if not abusive in the same situation. Yup, fo sho. I’m not arguing for those sweeping police powers, I was simply laying out the facts of this particular situation. In so doing, I was NOT excusing Crowley’s behavior, I was explaining the procedures he was following.
I do agree that he should have gritted his teeth and walked away. He clearly did not do that and chose to arrest Gates. I agree he should have exercised better judgment, but so should Obama, especially with the “third rail” that racism represents in this country.
Gates was arrested because he was acting like an asshole, not because he was black and for Gates and/or Obama to suggest otherwise is completely contradicted by the facts. I would respectfully offer that Gates is far more racist in his own way than Crowley (a police officer who enjoys the respect of his colored colleagues, by all accounts).[/quote]
Allan… I think you are dead on in your assesment. Also for all the others who keep saying “entered the house” the cop never entered the home. The police report is on thesmokinggun.com an confirmed by one other officer.
Personally. Being a white guy… I think he got handled with kid gloves because he was black and his age. If that had been me cursing out the cop that guy would have probably kicked my ass.
Cops are obligated to check out all calls on such things. They can not decide if what they are doing is racially devicise. They have to determine, if a report has been made, what is going on. That is all he did.
The point you start talking about someone’s mother?!? Gates went to far.
Gates acted like trash and was treated as such.
Care to find out by doing your own little experiment? Have your neighbor make a phone call to 911 and have the same approach to the responding officer regardless of color and you will quickly find yourself on the business end of a Tazer in this city… Forget about silver bracelets..
Come on… Have some common sense if you have no street sense…
There is what it should be and there is what it is going to be. Don’t bother discussing the former.