[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=Russell]John,The problem is John, that no respectable drug addict would be caught dead fat. Obongo! Give us some Obongo and some government cheese John.
Allan, You didn’t get those George Washington quotes from “Black Hawk Down” ? Anyway,Guns are fine. If someone comes after you and you need one, that sounds like fair play one way or another. Too bad guns don’t really work against large scale tyranny though. Swapping tyrants yes, ending tyranny no. Kind of like voting in the U.S.A.[/quote]
Rus: Guns did a great job ending tyranny during the American Revolution.
I don’t get the “Black Hawk Down” reference, though. You’ll have to explain that one to me.
And as far as dead fat drug addicts, didn’t Elvis punch out rather portly? You know, when he blew that embo on the toilet after too many drugs and fried banana sandwiches. Not dissing The King, just sayin’.[/quote]
Just being an ass, Allan. The Plato quote made once upon and eon ago, may have had it’s only source in “Black Hawk Down”. Survey said it came from Santa Anna ( or was that Carlos Santana?) and possibly McCarthur but probably both used it. As an endorsement of War it sounds much better coming from Plato.
Elvis not only was fat and on drugs he overdosed, oops, not dissing him either,even Michael Jackson can do that. I like Karen Carpenter better, at least she did the noble starved herself to death on drugs.
This thread just makes me wonder if a ticket like say Clinton/Edwards, if he weren’t toast, looks as repulsive to conservatives as Palin/limbaugh looks to libs. Admitted, I dislike almost all politicians, except for the ones who don’t speak through pursed lips and pander to special interests. Edward’s phony ass populist pandering is enough to make one barf, it just doesn’t look as rediculous as Palin/Limbaugh to me…well, yes it does…