[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Rus: You and Scaredy both lack the ability to understand facts or compose a coherent argument. My point, Russell, is that you were engaging in the same Attack, Get Walloped, and cry Foul nonsense as you’ve done with me in the past. I was illustrating a recurring pattern of behavior on your part.
When the discourse between you, sdr and SDR started going south, you immediately resorted to name calling and invective, ending with your trademark, “Gee, can’t we all get along” sign-off, which is nothing other than a thinly veiled attempt to retreat while dropping smoke behind you.
It is perfectly acceptable to you to profess hate and pillory others who don’t share your views, but you lack even the basic understanding of someone else’s point of view if it doesn’t conform to your own. You, Scaredy and TheBreeze are too thin skinned to accept criticism or an opposing view, which is why you fall back on name calling and blame shifting, you lack the ability to counter opposing arguments with fact and fall back on your own “indoctrinated” views.
That’s the kind of “enlightenment” that gave us the Inquistion, witch burnings and concentration camps.[/quote]
I wouldn’t be shocked if you saw some character defect in my arguments with the local Realtors. However, you miss that your Allies sunk to all time lows in the attempts at character assassination. You miss these kinds of things all the time when perpetuating your erudite screwed up mental constructs on this blog. You have ten different superiority complexes and a are a self adulating hero worshipper. How is that for invective? You use the authority that you derive from these complexes and you hyper validated miltatry hero complex, to be dismissive of anyone and everyone that doesn’t admit and submit to them by words or posture. You are a bully. Take your Strunk and White, another of favorite weapons, albeit a thin one, and put it where the sun doesn’t shine.Oh yeah, and don’t forget to come back and threaten to slam me against a wall.
What you mistake for a gee can’t we all get along is my ability to go mano a mano and not be dismissive of people on a permanent basis liek you. It is you type of thinking that screems for ostracization and catagorizaiton of people and brings about such things as war and the inquisition. My attitude has hope for a little more live and let live experience. You have proven that you must be dominant or be in the dominant fold. That’s weak.