[quote=all]Single payer + H1B for MD’s and DDS/DMD’s?
But what do you do with all the doctors, dentists and back office people who can’t pay back the loans they took to acquire skills?[/quote]
As I mentioned in an earlier post, training/education is a major cost. When you see why it is so expensive, the words escape you. The biggest problem is, without question, a complete denial and inability to see spiraling, out-of-control costs as the problem. You have seen it in housing, education, health care and yet the popular fix is to find extra money from somewhere. The problem with that is it just pushes the costs to somewhere else. Nobody wants money taken from them, but I find it impossible to believe that many of the costs cannot be reduced significantly without too much hurt. In plain English, it is quite insane and worrying that the issue is sidestepped.