I think scaredy unschools, but will let him chime in here.
We’re what I call hybrid unschoolers. I do have our kids follow an online curriculum, and I do work with them one-on-one, but they pretty much get to choose what they want to do and when they want to do it, within reason. They are given a lot of free time to do what they want, which is one of the main ideas the homeschooling philosophy, especially on the unschooling side of the spectrum. It works because they pursue things when their minds are open and ready to absorb that particular information.
We have other friends who are “radical” unschoolers, and I think their kids are awesome. They tend to be more creative and driven in their own way. The goal is to allow the kids to fully pursue their own interests, basically without any parent direction at all. When you look at people who are very successful, you’ll see that most of them were very narrowly interested in a particular subject/topic/hobby and were almost obsessive about following their passions. That’s what many unschoolers are trying to foster. From what I’ve seen, it does work.