All the Prop 8 letters in SD County were mailed last Fri/Mon.
SK is correct that prop 8 adjustments (up/down) only apply to the current owner. They have nothing to do with what the assessment was under a previous owner or if the last most-recent owner received any Prop 8 adjustments themselves.
pencilneck must have gotten a downward assessment (from the $300K he paid) AFTER he purchased it (possibly right after his supplemental bill was mailed).
pencilneck, if you look thru your old tax bills, you may find that in FY 10/11 or 11/12, your assessment went down below the $300K you paid. You likely weren’t aware of this because the assessor may have adjusted assessments downward on several recently-purchased properties on your parcel map and adjoining ones.
I got a Prop 8 letter as well on Tuesday, as likely did most of the “recent” buyers in my area – in the last 15 yrs. (Purchasers since about ’99 are “recent” for a 65 yo neighborhood.) This is due to the Co Assessor doing mass reductions in assessments for the 2010/11 fiscal year in my area to prevent more assessment appeals, which they didn’t have the personnel to handle (a county appraiser actually told me this on the phone).
My assessed value is now just under its 2003 assessment and so I can’t argue with it.