The point of getting interest only loans is to not pay principal. They are not to be used frivolously that is all.
I read your remarks the other day on another thread and I have a recommendation for you. Create a new file in a manila folder or something like that. Call the file…”MY NEW HOUSE.” over time put things that interest you about your new house in that file..Forget about wether prices are going to go up down or whatever. Then make a mental note to yourself..
SELF. “I am putting this stuff into my “NEW HOUSE” File. I will not buy a house until I understand what I the hell I am talking about.” By that time hopefully the market will provide some chance of you succeeding. ALex it is very important to make a wise financial decision when you sign Mortgage documents. Time is on your side Alex. I have nothing against you Alex you need to listen (read and head)more. IMHO