[quote=aldante]I noticed in your resonableness and unbiased nature you were not able to give any examples of Bernanke being correct.
You simply do not have a grasp of the facts or of history as it happened.
Bernanke said the exact opposite. He never said that housing was going down. On 7/16/2008he said this:
For those who like facts instead of throwing around monikers, shares of fnma and fhlc jumped 13.8% and 14.6% respectively in one day! Again, just because I am passionate about not wanting to get ripped off with my own tax money does not make me an “passionate ideologue…. rarely use or respond to reason, logic, evidence, or facts”. If you had read any of the links that I have added you would be responding to the facts that I am putting forth.
Of course if you disagree with those fact please let me know why.
You on the other hand have not shown me any evidence showing Bernanke’s long term estimates for the economy have panning out. Did you or did you not read the “Mea culpa” article that I posted earlier? Are you stating that there are not facts in that piece? You may want to ask yourself which one of us is blind here.
And yes my arguement is that if the Government were smaller people would take more responsibility for their own behavior. That is not my unique Idea though. I think that you can go back through the ages and hear it time and time again. Adam Smith got pretty famous discovering that law…the law of self preservation.
Or maybe you would like to explain to me why all of the sudden in 200(?) people, normal people in droves started lying on their mortgage application. Please spare me the “the unregulated bankers did it arguement” Those individuals bought cars, took vacations, purchased stocks, bought more houses by lying about their income. That was on them dude no one else. The banks made it easier becasue their loans were being bought and securitized and given a AAA rating immediately.
As soon as you make the Governemt responsible for deciding what is right and what is wrong you have to accept that your sense of right and wrong may not agree with who is in charge at the moment. No people need to know that lying is just wrong. That if they lied about their income to get into a million dollar house – that they deserve to have it taken away when they do not make their payments. But according to your glorious regulators – those poor liers, need to be bailed out. No that is not right. If that makes me an idealouge so be it.[/quote]
The programs were marketed in a way that would make “bailing out bankers, idiotic mortgage lenders, and derivatives traders” sound palatable.
The PTB don’t care a single, solitary bit about Joe Sixpack staying in “his” house. They wanted to save the financial elite, and the only way they could reasonably do that was to “save” Joe Sixpack so that he would maintain a false sense of hope and keep making those monthly mortgage payments.