Here’s why… For 10 years I laughed at people who bought Sub-zeros… (don’t know about Vikings). I would buy the best side by side refridge and freezer (a full size refrig and a full size freezer!) and when I built the custom cabinets just put them around it. The only difference (I thought) was that I would have about 250% more room for food and the combo only cost about $1800. Looked great also.
Then I finally moved into a house with a built in Sub-zero. WOW… They are nearly silent (the top of the line regular refrig and freezers are noisy as hell), they keep the food perfect. They actually seal shut like a NASA space capsule. Now I have lived in 3 houses with the Sub-zero type systems, and they were all awesome. They do, however, sacrifice room for depth.
Anyway while a 7K viking is probably crap, the sub-zero’s are amazing.
On the 60″ TV front. My wife and I surf the web on our 61″ DLP’s… I bought a pair at 2500 each (Tweeter was having a sale, they were normally 3700 each.) They are Samsung 1080p and amazing. Also playing World of Warcraft, surfing the web, or playing XBox… A whole nother level!
I would never go back to a regular TV. I always get the latest TV’s and never regret it…
As to the showing my kids pictures on them? That would be a tortures offense against civilization!