Agreed BG, and in the same vein of women doing free weights, some of the guys could really benefit from doing yoga. Nothing is more silly than a hulking muscle-bound guy with no flexibility and hunched-over shoulders. Yoga can fix that. Take a class and incorporate some of the stretching into every weight-lifting workout.
And while I’m bloviating, let me put in a word for pullups. They have a wonderful stretching out effect on your shoulders and back, and obviously strengthen biceps and help posture. (Yes, I have a fetish about posture.) If age or weight prevent one from doing even one pullup (which describes most people over 30), there are machines in the gyms to give you an assist on pullups.
I don’t get the appeal of deadlifts. Stopped them long ago when I hurt my back. Squats, done right, are far better for the legs and butt–men and women. Instead of deadlifts, pull the weeds in your yard for half an hour.