Agree with 4plex, though about Prop 13 for rentals.
I am 100% behind Prop 13 for personal, primary residences, but do not believe that we all have to subsidize landlords who do NOT pass this benefit on to their tenants (this would be their argument in favor of keeping their Prop 13 protection). Additionally, something needs to be done with commercial RE and Prop 13. Any transfer should trigger a reassessment.
If we ended subsidies for illegal immigrants (education and law enforcement/prisons being some of the largest state expenditures), I’d bet our financial “crisis” would end overnight. I’ve seen some numbers that claim 40% of our state’s prison population consists of illegal immigrants. It’s likely our school population at least mirrors this, if not more (much more).
For the bleeding hearts who want to keep illegal immigrants here (hint: it’s the businesses who don’t want to pay fair wages and want taxpayers to subsidize them for the additional burdens they place on the system), let them pay for these services themselves. We cannot continue to subsidize businesses who exploit illegal labor any longer. Additionally, we need to force Mexico to take responsibility for their problems and make them fix the problems at their source.