Again, you’ve missed the point. Do you think that increasing taxes, regulations, and transaction fees will create more businesses and opportunity or will it destroy businesses? Do you think that demonizing businesses, taking away their assets, and putting them on blacklists will create more businesses or decrease the amount of business?
These are things that you’ve specifically advocated. Some of them right here in this discussion.
Saverin is a very good example of how your policies would work. He took HIS money and took it out of the U.S. If you want him to stay here, it has to be attractive for his to stay. It wasn’t. And nothing you have advocated would change that. In fact, they would make it worse.
At some point you’re going to have to realize that it is precisely the social, legal, physical, military infrastructure and people with your attitude that this government currently provides that is forcing businesses and people like him out of the U.S. Why should they stay? So that they can lose money?