And there is difference between getting a mortgage and using a credit card for monthly expenses.
Our deficit spending has been using a credit card and not getting a mortgage for a major investment like a house, IMHO.
That’s not paying the bills.
The people like Warren Buffett are few and far between that are saying ‘my taxes should be raised”. The bulk is someone else should be paying more taxes.
As for ACA, it may have serious flaws, but those flaws aren’t any worse than the flawed system we had before and it could be improved. IMHO, the current Repubs won’t do that, they can’t because they’ve been so busy screaming it’s a disaster that they chugged a gallon beer and then superglued their cocks to the new third rail of politics.
Some minor changes would make a lot of difference IMO. Add a high deductible option to the available plans for everyone. Change the law so companies like Mylan can’t sextuple price and the offer coupon to cover the co-pay. Change other laws so that people like Shkreli can’t acquire treatments and then increase their costs 10X. Let the insurance companies compete by having Medicare offer the option for under 65 to buy in at cost.
Those are starts.
The replacement won’t be anything like that though. They’ve painted themselves in a corner.