[quote=afx114]We’ve been through all of this before, yet John keeps coming back with the same tired arguments. John, you still haven’t backed up your own claim by stating that Obama is either an illegal alien or a naturalized citizen. Because if he’s not a natural born citizen like you claim, he has to be one of those two.
Obviously, if he was a naturalized citizen, records would be easily available from the INS and he would be disqualified as a presidential candidate. If follows then, that you believe Obama to be an illegal alien. We all know that it is impossible for an illegal alien to run for president. The INS would have shipped him back to wherever you claim he was born.
So please, for your own sanity, either provide proof that Obama is an illegal alien, or admit that your citizenship claims are nothing more than rotten old troll food and that you enjoy watching us get all worked up over this.
It’s ok, you’re allowed to admit that you’re wrong. You’ll be respected more for it.[/quote]
Afx, why don’t you just admit that you don’t care if he is eligible or not.