[quote=afx114]So now we judge presidents based on the date they were elected rather than the policies they put forth?[/quote]
AFX you are getting warmer. You have a joined a group I am going to call “MISLED”.
Currently your group has 3 members and a couple of fence riders.
Here is your team.
and of course you!!
Now looking back at all your old posts every one of you did nothing but bash Bush for his economic policies. Although I believe this catastrophe involved both parties, I am going out on a limb and saying that affordable housing with the help of Carter and Clinton was a primary function of this economic disaster. Unfortunately blame usually runs with the man charge and in this case Obama is now the guy! Actually I heard Obama took his first crap in the Oval Office today, so it’s official!!
Unfortunately one of your teammates has gone MIA due to some predictions gone wrong. We look forward to getting him back on here ASAP!!