[quote=afx114][quote=CA renter]You can’t force Americans out of their cars, for the most part, and any attempts to do so will result in forceful opposition. While I applaud attempts to make mass transit more convenient (and biking safer), it’s unreasonable to expect everyone to dump their cars in favor or buses, trains, and bikes.[/quote]
Population will grow, so what’s the other solution then? 60-lane highways to accommodate all the cars? Maybe triple-decker 40-lane highways? That thinking is no longer sustainable. The era of adding more lanes is over.
No one is asking “everyone” to dump their cars, but clearly there need to be other options.[/quote]
I’m all for mass transit, separate bike lanes, and also support mixed-use development*, but some planners DO want people to dump their cars, altogether. That’s just not feasible for most people.
I also think we need to have clusters of villages that are fairly self-contained, with very easy-to-use mass transit running between them, with local transportation readily available at terminal points.
*Regarding mixed-use development, the urban planners seem to have missed the mark on this. They build $700K condos over businesses where the most a person can make is $9/hr. You have to build housing *for the jobs* that are there, or have commercial/industrial zoning for the type of housing that surrounds the area. By doing what they are doing now, they are still forcing people to commute to work. It’s a problem with for-profit development and trying to get maximum dollar for each piece of land. All too often, maximum profit doesn’t coincide with maximum benefit.