[quote=afx114]Also, if France, Canada, England, Japan, etc ration healthcare so bad, how do you explain the fact that they have by far a higher life expectancy and lower infant mortality than the US? The higher life-expectancy is even better for those over age 60 in those countries. Must be all that rationing I guess?[/quote]
Anyone got any data on how much quality of medical care contributes to national averages for longevity? Non medical care factors that may influence this number include diet, physical fitness, genetics, lifestyle, wealth, obesity, etc. Given that one of the leading causes of death in America is car accidents it may be that the very high miles driven per year is pulling our numbers down a little. AFX411s argument does not take any of this into consideration.
Bottom line: AFX114 needs to present some data supporting the implied connection between longevity and quality of medical care. My hypothesis is that in an apples to apples comparison of medical care the USA would trump any other nation.