[quote=afx114][quote=Allan from Fallbrook]It’s far more interesting to me that the Dems, who now effectively control the Executive Office and both the Senate and the House, can’t seem to pass to pass this bill. what’s the problem?[/quote]
Could it be that the Democrats are made up of a far more diversified group of representatives than the Republicans are, making it much more difficult to reach a consensus? Isn’t this how the legislative branch is supposed to work? As opposed to ramming everything through with a rubber stamp?[/quote]
Afx: I wouldn’t necessarily argue against your idea, especially given the Republican’s woes as of late. However, my focus was not necessarily on the diversity of the Dems, but, rather, the initial reports that they had rallied around Obama and would see health care reform through to the end.
For the record, I do feel that changes are necessary, as is reform, but I don’t agree with this massively sweeping program being proposed at present by Obama.
I get the sense that his solutions are somewhat ham handed and involve stamping “Government” on it somewhere. Like I said, I’m not saying that there aren’t problems, I’m just not enamored of the solutions.