afx: “Trade follows the flag”. It’s been true since the Roman Empire and it remains true today.
I was not trying to conflate Bush with Obama (regarding your Obama = Bush remark), but the recent Presidents (Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 and now Obama) are all working off of the same playbook.
I know Breezie doesn’t want to hear this, but Clinton was involved in destroying our civil liberties, too (NSA Carnivore/Echelon programs, FISA). Obama supports FISA and even reversed his position during the campaign on the issue. Do you think that the Patriot Act will be going away during his tenure? I don’t.
While I applaud his decision to close Gitmo, he will undoubtedly continue the policy of extraordinary rendition (started during the Clinton Administration, by the way), and continue to prosecute the War on Terror following the same guidelines as set down during the Bush Administration.