[quote=Aecetia]Everyone should go in to any health care they want to and demand free care. After all it is an entitlement. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Just put it on the Fed. tab. Why should anyone pay? Actually it has been happening. People are asking for free tests because it’s like Christmas now. Santobama just gave them everything the need. Isn’t this just peachy? From the insolvent Post Office, to foundering social security and medicare. Houston do we have a problem? Calling Brian to explain why this is a good thing again….[/quote]
What does any of this have to do with the HCR bill that was passed?
1. Everyone doesn’t get free health care. Some do. If your income is over roughly $88,000 for a family of 4, you pay 100% of the costs yourself. Under that amount, you get some sudsidies, down to roughly $28,000 of income. Under that, you qualify for medicaid.
2. Whats good for the goose….Non-applicable. Makes no sense.
3. According to the CBO, it will reduce the deficit over the next 10 years. It’s not adding to any tab.
4. People ask for free stuff all the time. Sometimes they get it. If you’re at or close to the poverty level, you might. Otherwise you won’t.
5. I suspect no amount of explaining will help you understand. You can’t understand what you don’t want to understand.