You well may be right at the lowest levels, but at the highest they are generally promoted for refusing to tell the Emperor he has no clothes, for fitting in and for looking and talking a certain way. They really have almost no personality other than to reflect the views of the top back to them in an agreeable manner. If you can visualize a bunch of bobble head dolls at a staff meeting, you will understand. Quite pathetic really. . . [/quote]
Yes, Aecetia, back in the “olden days” we used to call upper management “yes-men” and “lackeys.” Nothing will ever change because they were put in their positions at the pleasure of the department heads SOLELY because that dept. head knew them in another life (went to college/professional school with them, went to “church” with them) or simply owed them a favor for getting them out of a career-ending jam way back when. I will say that the “powers that be” are miraculously able to retain their long memories when the time for promotions rolls around.