HLS is a mortgage broker, but he’s a very honest one. I’ve used him to buy my house. He wouldn’t steer you to a product just to make a quick buck. [/quote]
Whew boy. I can see why so many realtors and mortgage brokers hang out here. I’ve never seen such a gathering of financially clueless and naive people in one place.
I’ve been working on some business deals that I hope to get some Piggs involved with. I’ll have more details in a few weeks. Based on what I’ve seen on this board so far, I’m sure more than a few Piggs will jump at the opportunities I’ll be offering.[/quote]
For some reason I want to respond to your business opportunity. Seems like a great deal. But, if you can’t beat 10% monthly returns on insurance contracts or something like that I already found this other guy named Guido with whom to invest my life savings.