” “We’re not surprised. We had a feeling it was coming,” said Varsha Shah.
They found out which way the wind was blowing about a year ago when several families moved into some of the homes and never bothered to water the grass or pick up beer cans”
and “For the Gordons and Taylors, these are the people who ruined the neighborhood by using their homes like revolving night clubs, cramming cars into the cul de sacs and threatening neighbors who complained.
The Corona Police Department said it was called about neighborhood disturbances on Towne Square’s Summerset St., where the Shahs live, 35 times in 2006.
Okay, a street with 10 homes generates 3 calls a month. The next street over generated 2 calls per month. Between the two streets, about 20 homes, they called more tahn once a week!