Actually, in case you haven’t noticed, I love this state. The “whys” and “wherefores” of CA’s “impending Greek Tragedy” and the antithesis of this thread is one of my favorite areas of (civil) discourse and is a subject of which I am passionate about, that is … low and no-growth legislation :=]
I feel it’s never too late to become involved until a CFD formation is being considered for the shores (and islands) of Mono Lake, lol!
Instead of making snide remarks that serve no purpose, pri_dk, why don’t you instead change your tune and actually add something of value to the thread? If not just for the rest of us to understand why you feel as you do.
For starters, why don’t you tell us if YOU or any member of your immediate family has personally received any *free* or *low-cost* services from departments or agencies of this great state of ours (or its “subdivisions”) that would not have been available to you as a resident of other states?
And if you have, do you think the public employees who provided those services to you are undeserving of being able to “retire” after 30 years of service?