“Hewlett-Packard Co. is cutting some EDS workers’ pay again, this time by up to 30 percent or more, according to some angry employees. H-P would not confirm the size of the pay reductions, though it did not dispute the reports of cuts ranging up to more than 30 percent.
This is the third pay cut for EDS workers this year, on top of roughly 25,000 layoffs announced last September after H-P completed its $13.9 billion purchase of the company.
Several EDS workers said in e-mails and blog comments that the new round of pay cuts would apply only to U.S. employees. H-P, which has been notifying affected workers over the last several days, did not respond to requests for confirmation of those comments.
Several workers said the cuts would be very deep for them. Some making roughly $75,000 said they would see their salaries slashed to about $55,000, about 27 percent. “I know that my career with this company is coming to an end,” the man, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said in a follow-up phone interview. “I can’t survive after this kind of hit.”