I second the observation about PS going into realestate. I would have guessed it. But, you know, its a free country.
Going into realestate as an agent now, a bad idea? Well
it depends. If working is descreationary, and someone is in no particular hurry to learn the trade or to become profiitable, then sure, why not begin now. In 5 years, one can say, “I’ve got 5-years of experience”.
We met a realter a few months ago who is still moving homes, even in this market. So, for someone who’s aggressive and intelligent, there’s business out there.
I still check in at least once or twice a day, and appreciate the posts by Rick and others who have a keen grasp of the financial – you can observe a lot by watching (reading posts) And, I feel like I’ve picked up invaluable information in RE, finance, and life in general, from time to time.