A house just got listed in Cardiff Glen in the Composer District. Here’s the MLS# 076047771. You should be able to find it on Realtor.com in a day or two.
To find houses in the Bay Collection, search Realtor.com using an advanced search with the following criteria
ZIP Code – 92011
Single Family Home
Age of Home – 0 to 5 years (FWIW, they are all 1 or 2 years old)
Minimium size 3000 sq ft
Most of the top matches will be in The Bay Collection and the listing will defitely mention The Bay Collection if it is in there. BTW, alot but not all of the listings in TBC are very overpriced in the current market and shouldnt sell close to what they are asking. Of course if you ask anyone around here they will say everything is overpriced but my point is that there is defintely a reasonably steady market in Coastal North County if you price your home at the current market it will sell.
BTW, some of the nicest communities in the area are within 1 mile east of ECR and really dont take more than 5 minutes to the 5. I wouldnt rule them out.