a highly deadly virus infection like ebola is a good thing in that the disease burns out faster than it is spread
thing is w/ covid 19 thus far it has targeted mostly older weaker people
looking at the literature you’ll see the spanish flu of 1918,…
[quote] Mortality was high in people younger than 5 years old, 20-40 years old, and 65 years and older. The high mortality in healthy people, including those in the 20-40 year age group, was a unique feature of this pandemic.
the danger of letting down our guard and going back to “life as normal” is the covid19 virus might mutate into something that has a high mortality rate in normally healthy people
a further complication is as I pointed out back in 1918 (Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths)
as a kid my mom drilled into me viruses cause the common cold AND antibiotics should not be taken for any viral infection including a cold, a cough, or the flu because it has no beneficial effect (actually the danger is antibiotics causes bacteria to become drug resistant)
basically what medical experts are concerned about is,… predicting exactly how the covid19 virus acts is difficult/impossible to tell,… so the prudent thing to do even w/ some of the US and first world population starting to vaccinated is for people to keep socially distanced,… this is because there is a very real danger of a secondary bacteria pneumonia effect which might make what we have all experienced thus far pretty tame
truth is (for the most part),…
[quote=scaredyclassic]Humans in the usa are kind of like the failing banks, propped up by modern medicine[/quote]