When was your roof last replaced and what type of roof do you have?
When was you house last checked for termites?
How old is your dishwasher?
When was your furnace last replaced?
When was your hot water heater last replaced?
When was your exterior last repainted?
What is the condition of any fences surrounding your property?
What type of wiring do you have in your house?
Is it on a slab or a raised foundation?
What is the water pressure into your house?
Does you property have any standing water after rainfall?
When was your interior last repainted?
When was your garabage disposal last replaced?
To answer your question, when I bought my house I thought it would be cool if it doubled in value after 20 years. It was never part of any plan that it would nor is it now. BTW, it’s about double after 12 but who really cares? I dont.