I’m glad she’s got good advice to get the house she wants and make the win/win.
We had a contingent contract in 92127 4BR for 820K near Arriba Linda in early March but the sellers kept getting their (6 plus) offers rejected. We could never figure out if they were just outbid or if the contingency drove things.
Yes Silvercrest, you are spot on, got hit really hard in downturn. I didn’t buy at the bottom but in 2014 after some recovery from person who bought the shortsale.
In the meantime the 3400 sf home has gone from 580K to 800K+.
So yes full recovery.
So now we wait and monitor the rental situation in 4S. Seemed to be good movement this weekend with 3-4 in our range coming off the market.
It does amaze me that zillow lets the odd rental listing be stale (300 days on market) which messes up the data and wastes time with bad data.