[quote=6packscaredy][quote=spdrun]FlyerInHI, speaking for myself, I take exception because punishments in this country are TOO severe as it is, and it costs both taxes and lives. Existing punishments for violent crimes are enough.
Secondly, why establish protected classes? Is it really worse to injure someone because of their orientation or race, than to do so because you don’t like them for other reasons?
Is the Black guy beat up by another Black guy because he was wearing a Red Sox hat after the Yankees lost the Series any less worthy of justice than an Asian guy beat up by a White guy because of his race? I’d think not.
Random violence FOR WHATEVER REASON should in itself be an aggravating factor. If there was provocation or a crime previously committed, as in the case of a man who killed a robber, then that should be taken into account as mitigation. Same goes for a simple assault during (let’s say) a bar-fight.[/quote]
actually it may be a little worse to hurt someone solely because they are white or gay or some other protected class, not because one person is more “valued” than another, bt because racial hatred and hatred against homosexual is a particular social evil we might reasonably want to deter. it’s a little extra. enhancing the punishment doesnt mean we like gays morebut only that we are sending a message…
that is what criminal laws do….send messages to society.
if we put it in terms of a marketplace, it is information for rational actors to take in an d consider before deciding where to invest their capital…[/quote]
Why do you think these crimes are any more “evil” than other violent crimes committed against random, innocent people? That’s why I have a problem with the whole “hate crime” issue — ALL of these types of crimes are equally reprehensible. The perpetrators should be punished very severely in ALL of these cases. No one class of victim should be exalted over another.
Like spdrun noted, it doesn’t matter if on is assaulted because of his/her race, gender, etc. Whether intentionally targeted for a particular trait or not, the crime is equally detestable as far as the victim is concerned.