i hesitate to make any predictions for 30 years out, since I’ll likely be dead.
however, I predict temecula will be ok.[/quote]
scaredy, Chula Vista grew from two zip codes in 1986 with a 52K population to five zip codes today with a 277K population and it is STILL HANGING IN THERE.
The SD South County Superior Court can’t possibly support the population influx without inordinately long delays in EVERY SINGLE SERVICE but CV (the “real” CV) hasn’t fallen into the bay yet. It is still all there and (save for a few tall weeds in several medians) seems to be doing fine 🙂
As much as I lament here on the demise of the “Golden State,” I have to admit that its employees at every level seem to be handling a LOT MORE PEOPLE in the best way they physically can.
Just try to take this same population and place it in the middle of a “flyover-state county” with the same number of employees and it would probably be complete chaos as their “systems” aren’t set up to deal with the sheer numbers of residents as we have here :=0
And I figure I’ll surely be dead by 2043. But WHO KNOWS? Maybe I’ll trudge over to the nearest “Cal Bullet Train” stop with my walker and bifocals and board one with my senior-citizen discount just to view the cities along the SR-99 corridor in action and disembark in Stockton only to see it built into a *new* modern downtown megalopolis with its (2013) BK filing a distant memory :=0