#5 Wine, talk about talking out you ass. Do you have any idea about viticultual law, wine is probably the most regulated industry in this state. If the majority of the grapes (I think it’s 85%) aren’t from a particular region, it cannot be labeled with that regions name. Some wineries either own land or buy juice for one bottle here and there with the exception of callaway and callaway doesn’t buy from napa, they buy from paso or worse, modesto, then label it “california coastal” They were bought out and sinc4e I don’t go to that one, I dont know if they are still up to their old tricks. Just so you know, Napa makes a decent wine. The root rot isn’t unique to this region, in fact in 1850, govenor pio pico enlisted the Sheriff/Aseemlyman in San Diego to find a grape that would resist the fungus, Agoston Hazarthy was his name, legend has it, he invented the zinfandel grape while touring Europe gathering cuttings. he founded the Buena Vista winery in Carneros and is the father of California Wine because every grape in the state died the year before. Temecula was struck with a parasite that spread Pierce’s disease and it killed most of the Chardonnay, thankfully it was vanquished and by natural means, a wingless tiney wasp was bred and released which is the natural enemy of the parasite the spread the disease. Locally grown grapes are now in excess of 3,600 tons.