Maybe it is that you are trying to put an Email address in your name and there is a spam harvester block on this site, that makes it harder for web-crawlers to harvest Email addresses for spamming. Notice that the ‘@’ is done as an image.
From your response here
I would have to ask: “Cat got your tongue? Or maybe briansd1 got your tongue?”
We practice our debating skills on each other here.. and in the process learn to find supporting data within minutes. Bill-so-called-FHA-guru, if you weren’t so busy trying to spam blog sites to further your mortgage broker business, you would have realized that this site might be a bit dangerous to spam. The ‘piggs’ have uncovered several people behind masks, more recently:
Throw in that some of us also visit sites like calculatedrisk.. and you would have realized that this site might end up being toxic to you. You were given a ‘pass’ the first time.. the piggs didn’t unmask you. Repeat offenders tend to get unmasked.