24) When Freddie/Fannie need & get a bailout, here is a bubble sign.
25) When the financial investment firms are gone /transformed into banks to get Govt. support, here is bubble sign.
26) When the Case/Shiller Housing Index, for at least the last 2 years, resembles the drop of the highest roller coaster at Magic Mounting, here is a bubble sign.
27) When the Govt. changes its plans multiple times to prop up artificially the RE prices, but have no clue what to do, here another sign.
28) When Zillow finally admits to change its valuation formula and posts losses over 25% in SD, here is a bubble sign.
29) When Paulson opens his mouth and the markets drop for 3 consecutive days, here is a great sign.
30) When the greatest US bailout is set for a huge number $700 billion, to resemble the big bazooka, yet end up costing $3.5 trillion, w/out the tax payers being able to account for more than 50% of the spending…..this is the greatest sign
31) When the Global financial system is in a close to total collapse, here is another sign.
32) When the $ is gaining value because the world currencies are melting down, here is a sign
33) When the Wall-Mart & McDonalds are the only firms holding their financial forecast, here is a sign.
34) When with $10 you are able to buy a couple of shares of each American automaker, and have leftovers for a happy meal, here is a bubble sign.