23109VC – it sounds like you’re asking for advice because 1, you’re trying to understand your options, but 2 as you aptly titled your post about people doing dirty /crooked things, at the end of the day, can you live with knowing you did something wrong? I’m surprised no one else has pointed out that you’re stealing if you dump your house while buying simultaneously into another – assuming you can still afford to make the payments on the one you’re in. Its not about whether you have a recourse loan or not, do you want to join all the people out there who cheat, lie, and steal? Banks unfortunately don’t just write off losses – they also look to recoup those losses by passing on costs to consumers. What choices others make to wipe away their debts, gets paid for by those of us who own up to our debts. Do you think its fair to pay for the mistakes of others? If you start slipping and making justifcations, where do you stop?