[quote=190pounds]Hey Partypup, your posts while informative are just too much to handle because I’m not in a position to ‘stock up on food’, get a gun, buy a farm, etc. So all I can do is hope your worst fears never come true and have fun along the way. So in that spirit, have fun watching this…pickup at 5:00 and go to 16:00.
LOL! I have to say, it was an amusing piece. I can see why people are a bit overhwelmed by the dire warnings and prognostication – it’s only natural to want or to try to make light of it. I don’t usually watch Colbert (I prefer Stewart), but this was well worth the viewing!
And yes, I also hope my worst fears don’t come true. I’ve become quite fond of my quasi-comfortable life, occasional travel and a house that’s pimped out with wi-fi. I am not anxious to descend into chaos, folks!