They aren’t saying anything about there not being a surplus as projected. They’re simply stating that there was an **unexpected increase** in revenues in January. I’ve mentioned multiple times before that the problem with having surpluses in public coffers is that all the vultures/special interests (taxpayers who think they’re taxed too much, labor unions, developers and other private sector types who make a living by overcharging govt entities for goods and services, welfare advocates, advocates for illegal immigrants, advocates for various and sundry “needy” people and causes, etc., etc.) start lining up dozens deep in order to make a claim on it.
They are just saying that people should not project the kinds of surpluses seen in January into the future, so don’t try allocating it based on these numbers. They are being totally logical and responsible.
What’s scary is reading those comments. It just shows how many idiots out there have no reading comprehension skills, much less a basic understanding of finances and economics.