1. No, I don’t think we’re heading for a recession. The tech sector is barely starting to recover from the 2001 crash. RE sector is shot now, but oil/gold and foreign are still doing well. Tech is starting to come back and I think will replace the RE sector in keeping this economy above water.
2. Similar to you, I will buy into sectors I think will do well in the next 3-5 years, regardless if there’s hyperinflation or a recession.
3. Cash for a big down payment.
25% Gold
40% Oil
25% Foreign large & small cap
10% Large cap
4. Always, do your own research.
5. I’ve been holding HERO for about week. Doing OK so far. I’ve been watching it and go in and out of it for a year now. It’s growing through acquisition and buying other companies’ lift boats at a discount.