#1, Historically yes, but historically prices were much lower. Median in 4S in 2001 was in the low 500’s, in CV it was low 600’s. Today it’s 750 and 900.
#3, the house on Palomino is 8 miles closer. Houses in this example are on the “back end” of CV and the “front end” of 4S. 10 mile difference is more typical.
#5. If you can comfortably afford the house in CV, you should have at least $5000/month left after taxes and housing. You can still afford to spend $417 to live closer to work in a cooler part of the city.
#5.1. My impression is that present-day high end homebuyers don’t care for big yards.
[quote]Clairemont is only 2 miles from La Jolla. Should a La Jolla home sell for 3X the price of a similar Clairemont home?[/quote]
It’s hard to find a pair of similar homes 2 miles away in La Jolla and Clairemont! West side of Clairemont consists of tiny 1960’s tract homes, and east side of La Jolla is mostly estates. When you do find similar homes, surprisingly, they turn out to sell for similar amounts of money: