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Author: Essbee
Forum Activity by Essbee
- Yeah for property values in
- There’s also a new Total Wine
- My kids are 6 and 8. For
- Here’s a relevant article in
- I remember checking out some
- I lived in Kensington growing
- For 2017:
A relative of mine
- CA School Dashboard
- I like that area, too. When
- I like that area, too. When
- In fact, I went to the RB one
- I am NOT a fan of the all
- Strange. But also strange
- I think the kids are also
- I’ll add one data point. 20
- I remember that it was
- CA Governor 2018
- Fascinating comments,
- bearishgurl
- AN wrote:FlyerInHi wrote:AN
- In 4S Ranch, I have not had
- I was at Costco Carmel
- njtosd wrote:
The API scores
- Hi there, I am a south 4S
- flu wrote:Essbee wrote:Hmm,
- Hmm, but if you pay now, and
- I don’t know for a fact, but
- My dad was walking on
- My daughter plays spring
- The new Del Sur Target opens
- PB/La Jolla Cliff Collapse
- We haven’t turned ours on
- Re: utilities, doesn’t the
- We are paying $130 for once a
- Here’s one from
- I hate the lack of big trees
- I see… so do these types of
- The listing states the HOA is
- Wow, OLD thread (but
- Three years ago (March 2012),
- cvmom wrote:bearishgurl
- I just read most of this
- scaredyclassic wrote:I’m
- You can get into medical
- scaredyclassic wrote:Ummm.
- To try to avoid any bias
- AN wrote: If you’re a MD, I
- scaredyclassic wrote: “Need
- There is only one person at
- I attended an Ivy for
- I’ve seen this thread for a
- Hmmm, I would like to sign,
- Well, it’s a nice spot. They
- Often I post things, go
- speaking of development in 92130…
- . accidental dual post
- I think this (very
- And here’s another in Carmel
- Here’s a link to a map that I
- I’m not sure exactly what you
- Wow, 600K or less… in
- So funny! I’m more like the
- bearishgurl wrote:FlyerInHi
- Del Sur is a community with
- Our old house in Clairemont
- Public Service
- There’s a place near us
- I’d like to raze Clairemont
- 3.46% on one account…
- Carmel Mtn Costco gas station
- Thank you!! Yes, that is the
- That is weird…. it doesn’t
- Yes , it started just 1 block
- I’m referring to something
- Maybe it’s
- new development south of 56?
- I recommend googling “Pacific
- I came to this forum tonight
- I went to a kindergarten
- Just wanted to say that I
- It might be even easier to
- NPR/KPBS radio had a story
- Poway USD School 39
- Well, the closest Trader
- I heard that rumor back in
- I’ve been a physician here in
- So random… about a year
- This 40% discussion reminds
- My niece went to Magnolia and
- cato1974 wrote:
It does seem
- Hello there,
We are very
- I also kinda doubt that he is
- ocrenter wrote:
just took at
- SK in CV wrote:Essbee
- AN wrote:Sorry, you’re right,
- Don’t get me wrong; it seems
- Speaking of silly street
- earlyretirement wrote:
- We’re in South 4S and have
- Earlyretirement,
I heard the
- Large framed picture was en
- We had a large framed picture
- ltsdd wrote:Essbee wrote:
- I live in 4S the Stone Ranch
- outtamojo wrote:
What you
- Hmmm, regarding sequencing
- all wrote:…and the house is
- I live a few blocks away and
- I agree with earlyretirement.
- bearishgurl wrote:
btw, I
- Alvarado Estates IS gated, at
- bearishgurl wrote:
Ren, I
- carlsbadworker
- I didn’t see it, not yet at
- Thanks for sharing.
The one
- Thanks for sharing.
The one
- FLU:
Oops, I meant to say
- I just cruised around 92115
- My parents live in a SFH in
- it seems that if you go thru
- AN wrote:Maybe math have
- I know it’s a joke and all,
- I actually live in 4S Ranch,
- My husband and I finally
- I make the 4S to UCSD area
- Ooops! I just placed an order
- My husband crawled up into
- OT: SDGE Smart Meter replacement messed up HVAC
- Thanks you two. It did not
- OT: voting place in a different jurisdiction?
- Yes, once you are in to med
- I think that if your kid has
- Several months back, we were
- bearishgurl wrote:I believe a
- Interesting discussion re:
- AN wrote:You’re right, I
- AN wrote:Alright, if you take
- Preuss school is very
- Thursday:
Essbee wrote:1 week
- 1 week ago, price at Arco on
- For 8/1-9/4/12, our bill was
- I have actually seen
- I’m one of the “badge of
- I honestly thought that
- I like the south side better
- Essbee wrote:Have you checked
- Have you checked out this
- Essbee wrote:
Next time you
- I don’t know the answer to #1
- The name of the street where
- About 11 years ago, I sold a
- flu wrote:I like that… Mira
- The-Shoveler wrote:The
- I thought people had to
- Hmmm, well it looks like the
- Hi there, I know we have
- duplicate
- ucodegen wrote:(in
- I’m kinda in this generation,
- The Poway Unified School
- bearishgurl wrote: In
- Interesting also how Pacific
- Interesting. I’m pretty
- squat250 wrote:
When I was a
- sdduuuude wrote:
92111 =
- We just moved out of
- AN wrote:I’ll point them to
- I’d be very interested to see
- It’s technically just
- We were paying around $240
- SDCandi92 wrote:It is my
- bearishgurl wrote:A
- poorgradstudent wrote: I do
- bearishgurl][quote=Essbee
- I know about mid-century
- Sorry for replying to my own
- OK, interesting
- The future of San Diego?
- bearishgurl wrote:
- bearishgurl/ wrote: I have a
- briansd1 wrote:Seems to me
- Edited to add: I was trying
- sorry for duplicate post
- But shouldn’t the fact that
- Just curious about how
- I probably shouldn’t post on
- Is that one of the Chargers’
- There was an article in the
- 10 years ago, I was living in
- Just reading thru this oldish
- There is a “California’s
- Passingthrough,
When did you
- Thank you.
It confirms that
- can you give an estimated
- realtor pay structure
- I live in Clairemont and have
- We toured these a few weeks
- I would be buying in a later
- First time poster here.