I am not going to speculate whether setting the fires was a result of a RE conspiracy or not…that would be going against Occam’s Razor principle and is just a waste of my time.
What I do question is how multiple fires (as many as 5 or more) cropped up between the US/Mexican border and Los Olivos (by Solvang in Santa Barbara County) in a 24 hour time period. The Sedgewick Fire in Los Olivos started at 6am on 10/21, while the Harris Fire is purported to have started at 9:30am on 10/21. These two fires are no less than 242.71 miles apart!!! And all the fires in between started at around the same time. WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THIS HAPPENING!!! All of my calculations were taken from the map on the LA Times website here and measured in Google Earth: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-firemap,0,6179739.htmlpage?coll=la-home-center
The kibitzer will say that the conditions were ripe for a wildfire: hot weather, hot and dry Santa Ana winds, no rain. Intuition, however, rules out the possibility that ALL of these fires were spawned by natural causes at or around the same time and nearly 250 miles apart!!! What are all the ways in which fires can be started naturally, and what is the probability that ALL of these fires were created in such a manner? Did lightning possibly strike ALL of these areas within a 24 hour time period? I know, maybe a bunch of lightning bugs all farted at the same time!
I don’t know the answer, but my gut tells me that something smells awfully fishy here. This tragedy has the words “fire bug(s)” written all over it.